'Talking' gloves

Due to a couple of facts - such as Arduino practice and the lesson you had recently on disabled-oriented design I'd like to bring your attention to the following article:

As it is in russian, I'll briefly outline the article: a couple of the students from Donetsk, Ukraine have just earned the Microsoft Imagine Cup by combinig a couple of gloves, gyro and some electronics into a device that recognises the sign language and transforms movement of hands into the digital-synthesised speech, thus removing the margin between the mute and the usual people who as a rule do not understand it.
In my opinion, this is an outsanding example that perfectly fits our current studies - and something worth thinking over.

Here is a link to the site of the project development team:


  1. This projest demands a lot of improvements.
    It definitely has to be lighter and more compact in general, but as a concept it is brilliant.
    Great example when physical problem is solved together with cultural.


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