Robert Frank

Photographs from the Collections of Fotomuseum
Winterthur and Fotostiftung Schweiz, Switzerland

Robert Frank. Words, Mabou, 1977. Vintage gelatin-silver print. 31,2 x 46,8 cm. Collection Fotostiftung Schweiz, Gift from the artist
Robert Frank, Mabou, 1978,Vintage gelatin-silver print 21,3 x 33,6 cm, Property of the Swiss Confederation, Federal Office of Culture, Bern, on permanent loan at Fotostiftung Schweiz

Robert Frank, Landsgemeinde [Cantonal Assembly], Hundwil, 1949, vintage gelatin-silver print, 17,8 x 26,1 cm, Collection Fotostiftung Schweiz, Gift from the artist
Robert Frank. Paris, 1950. Vintage gelatin-silver print. 35 x 17,1 cm. Property of the Swiss Confederation, Federal Office of Culture, Bern, on permanent loan at Fotostiftung Schweiz
Robert Frank. Trolley, New Orleans, 1956. Vintage gelatin-silver print.30,6 x 48,5 Property of the Swiss Confederation, Federal Office of Culture, Bern, on permanent loan at Fotostiftung Schweiz

This was very interesting experience to see the works from different periods of life of the photographer. The most famous of his works was photo book " the Americans" which was first published in Paris in 1958.

It is incredible how different black and white photography looks compared to coloured pictures. On my point of view b/w photographs are deeper. Colours often distract from the essence of pictures whereas in b/w they show pure emotion, what happens inside a person or any landscape.It releases something that is hidden behind the colours. Of course, the use of colour depends on what effect author wants to have. I think colour is more relevant when an author wants to add some action to a photograph, while b/w gives more static, deep impression. 

As for the photographs that I presented here, I want to say that I appreciated a lot how they can look simple and complecated at the same time.For example, " Words" from the series "Mabou" ( the first picture) looks laconically, but say so much more. A word spoken is past recalling - this is how I understand this, though I am not sure it was the message.   


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