Every designer should have his own sources of different things. Also I think that every designer should have source of patterns.
Patterns give inspiration, you can add it anywhere and the right pattern can make your design better or worse. Even if it's a decorative part of design, you should have at least a little book of patterns. Or start collecting everything by yourself, that would be even better. You may have natural patterns, or create new by yourself.
But if talking about this book – it's great. Patterns that I've seen in it are really different and inspirational. I would really advice everyone to have it. This book is a really good source.
I suppose, it would be helpful to know what patterns were the first and how they have changed now, is this information in the book? And, of course, how can we apply pattern to Product Design. Only as upholstery or it can be an inspiration?
This patterns might be great in terms of graphic design But i suppose that a good pattern must contribute the objects meaning, reveal its cultural belonging or at least be based on the objects appearance. A good pattern must have a source of inspiration of any sort and therefore i do not suppose that an ornament borrowed from such book could suit the idea of your design. Still i think that such a book could be inspiring.
This patterns might be great in terms of graphic design But i suppose that a good pattern must contribute the objects meaning, reveal its cultural belonging or at least be based on the objects appearance. A good pattern must have a source of inspiration of any sort and therefore i do not suppose that an ornament borrowed from such book could suit the idea of your design. Still i think that such a book could be inspiring.
Лекция Александра Уварова «Экодизайн. Закономерности зеленого проектирования» состоялась в воскресение 9 октября на территории школы «Мосты». Александр Уваров - Кандидат искусствоведения, член Московского союза художников, преподаватель кафедры «промышленный дизайн» МГХПА им. С.Г. Строганова, куратор некоммерческого проекта об экологии и дизайне «Мы». Как я уже говорила, лекция состоялась в школе «Мосты», школа позиционирует свою деятельность как «новую форму интеллектуального активного отдыха». Как сообщали вывески в школе, заняться у них можно чем угодно, от изучения иврита и греческого до вышивки, гончарного дела и буддизма. В целом концепт и направленность школы мне понравились, появление таких мест говорит о готовности общества учиться, развиваться разносторонне и проводить время с пользой. ( http://mostschool.ru/ ) Зачем идти на лекцию об экодизайне? Лично меня всегда привлекали натуральные формы, разумное и рациональное использование материалов, нетоксичные, долговечные, простые...
Out of all artists, designers and architects that were active in during th 20th century Le Corbusier was one of the most outstanding figures as he had significantly influenced architecture as we know it these days. This weekend I went to his exhibition in Pushkinsky museum. I wanted to learn more about this famous individual. In spite of the fact that the exposition there was rather modest as only a small part of the museum was devoted to it, it is still more than possible to understand the way the artist worked. A great deal of the exposition is devoted to sketches and technical drawings of his architectural masterpieces. There is no need to say how professional and precise they are, yet what must to be noticed is the great diversity of techniques that were used for recording ideas. Sketches embedded into photographs so that they look as a single image, blueprints combined with sketches of landscapes, pictures o...
Erez Mulay chose the most respectfull way of improving people's lifes as product designer. He creates working space for people with special needs who participate in producing green products. His studio and community center based in Tel-Aviv, Israel, is mostly about recycling. Companies of variable levels come to him with a task, for example, how to reuse their leftovers. The most elegant case for me was about bathroom ceramics company which had a lot of giant bags for delivering material. Erez designed a set of paper holders and baskets for bathroom that could be produced just by cutting and sewing those bags. In another case people with special needs developed special equipment and all the tools they needed to make products for new project. He claims that by this approach they feel more comfortable and normal than when just counting screws in some factory. He calls them "Invisible people", because society mostly prefers not to notice them, not to see and undertake ...
I suppose, it would be helpful to know what patterns were the first and how they have changed now, is this information in the book? And, of course, how can we apply pattern to Product Design. Only as upholstery or it can be an inspiration?
ОтветитьУдалитьThis patterns might be great in terms of graphic design But i suppose that a good pattern must contribute the objects meaning, reveal its cultural belonging or at least be based on the objects appearance. A good pattern must have a source of inspiration of any sort and therefore i do not suppose that an ornament borrowed from such book could suit the idea of your design.
ОтветитьУдалитьStill i think that such a book could be inspiring.
This patterns might be great in terms of graphic design But i suppose that a good pattern must contribute the objects meaning, reveal its cultural belonging or at least be based on the objects appearance. A good pattern must have a source of inspiration of any sort and therefore i do not suppose that an ornament borrowed from such book could suit the idea of your design.
ОтветитьУдалитьStill i think that such a book could be inspiring.