Last weekend I visited an exhibition "Sreda" which represent a documentary review about art events in quite young Kharkiv's art group "SOSka" and their personal works. The main emphasis has been done on their project "New history" that took place in Kharkiv's art Museum. As the members of "SOSka" group claim, the project aimed to create an open dialoge between different cultural formations. Works placed in the museum exposition according to the intervention principle demonstrate a general tendency to create a new Post-Soviet social reality documentation. For example, Alexander Vaindorf's video "Detour. One particular Sunday" is placed next to "Zaporosian cossacs writing a letter to the Turkish sultan" by Ilya Repin. Narrating about one general theme - illegal immigration with all resulting effects . But not the works or even their conceptual message were the main subjects of "Sreda", but t...