This week I visited pop/off/art Gallery in the center of modern art "Vinzavod", which presented an exhibition "Zigy" by Viktoria Begalskaya.
      As I found out after, Vika Begalskaya, born in Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine) , is a graduate of Kharkov State Design and Art Academy who currently lives and works in Moscow. Her group and individual expositions took place at the sites of the National Centre of Contemporary Arts, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the Latvian House of Artists , the Zverev Centre of Modern Art and others.
   The new project of Vika Begalskaya dedicated to the "golden boy Ziggy", - the name Amalia Natanson, Zigmund Freud's mother , tenderly called her little son. It is both, diving into the depth of the subconscious mind and a sourse of self-analysis.It includes a careful and tender self talk about joy and grief, reality and mystery, loss and sorrow. We can only build theories about meanings that artist put into her half naive and defiant, bordering with aggression works, that emit explosive energy of revelation. But interpreting this art chaos  is absolutely private therapeutic work for every single viewer.

Here is a link for those who are interested 


  1. Her pictures look very unusual ,but for me it is not a good work,because they are very abstract without some inner meaning

  2. There is a story about some students. They read a book and got really in depth into the different meanings the author was trying to convey.

    They were then given the opportunity to talk to the author of the book. The conversation went something like this:

    Students: Did this character represent the struggle modern society faces in a Post-Modern world?
    Author: Uhh...
    Students: Like did it represent the dangers of consumerism in a world that is lacking meaning?
    Author: .... no....
    Students: What DID this character represent then?
    Author: He reminded me of a guy I use to drink with...
    Students: :(

    So finding inner meaning is up to you))


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