Ride The Planet is an exhibition dedicated to the russian best freeride sportsmens. At the exhibition beautifully conveys the spirit of freedom which is the main point to be in this sport. I need to say that freeride is not safety at all. Every descent is potentially the last but skilful operators were able to make a shot that represent the greatness of nature and the great experience and easiness in moves of the sportsmens at the same time. Guys from Ride The Planet team have been visited mostly all placed that were appreciated as a mecca of freeride. Magnificent landscapes that inspired not one generation of painters don't leave anyone indifferent. All photos is high quality shoted so it's pleasure to watch it printed on a A2 posters. It was about 150 photos exhibit and all of them are absolutely different in angle, place and composition of shooting.

Besides of photos it were some examples of the sport inventory. I found some interesting devices that are used in this kind of activity.

  Also I pay attention to ski and snowboards that was lovely painted. I've never thought about decorating of skis but after that I found some examples and experience how does it made.
I was very disappointed that could not be able to see the film about this expedition otherwise it was a great exhibition to visit. 


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