Igromir 2012

Products of the virtual industry are becoming ecceedingly popular these days as they have formed the leading means of entertainment among the younger generation. I've recently visited en exhibition of interactive enterntainment called "Igromir". The First Russian computer games festival arouse my interest not as a "nerd-fest" but as a place where most of the leading modern game-related computer technologies are showcased.

The vast hangar, which is constantly used as an large-scale exposition space presented a mixture of interior and product design. Whole structures where constructed inside the exhibition hall showing off popular brands of the virtual industry.

There are presentations of brand new products that vary from popular game's sequels that have their own cannons on display to computer coolers that scatter liquid nitrogen to achieve a higher productivity for computer processes.

In combination with high gaming interest, companies like Asus managed to showcase their new computers, dismantelled, packed into glass boxes in order for people to see the "exciting action" of a computer's insides.

Another remarkable feature is the atmosphere that differs from stand to stand and at the same time unites the whole event. A scignficant ammount of both money and effort were spent on reproducing the virtual game realities into real life. I admit that is a very effective marketing strategy.

As any festival "Igromir" included costumes that in fact were more product than fashion design. Produced by companies and single enthusiasts, these works of art made up a new category of products, that are neither needed, nor prestigeous to own, but that are still popular and desired by a very specific audience.

The ammount of people crowding the exhibition hangar proves that there are far more real life projects happening within this industry of virtual services. I believe it to be wrongly interpreted only as means of entertainement, versus the amount of thought, effort, hard work and creativity that goes into achieving such massive recognition.


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