Museum-Panorama The Battle Of Borodino

I decided to start from the past, so I visited Museum-Panorama The Battle Of Borodino.
This year was 200 year anniversary of the War of  1812 and 100 year anniversary of the museum.
By the way it was marked like this:

I think small free souvenirs are very good for attracting people's attention to some particular event or product. Advertisment helps product to live longer live or event in this case.

Of course my first association with war was weapon: 
I started to study ergonomics of the swords. I again was impressed how something so similar can be so different.

Next subject of my observation was lifestyle, some common things that were used in that period.

It should be mentioned that exhibits are represented in very realistic way.For example, in the picture above I like how everything is positioned, the composition does not have gaps or too many details, it is possible to see what each of them is doing.

There are also things like like that:

Bureau of the Kutusov's family, 
Russia, Late 18 century,
 Rosewood, machogany

Set of drawing, owned by Mikhail Kutusov
Late 18 - early 19 centuries
Wood, silk and velvet fabric, steel,bronze
Sculpture of Napoleon with a removeable top part (box)
England, Late 19 - early 20 century
Ceramics, slip casting, hand mandrel

I liked a lot the tableware.

Biscuit vase with the portrait of Napoleon
Porcelain,gilding, polychrome  overglaze painting and printing

( On the right ) Cup and saucer depicting the Battle of  Heilsberg
France, Late 19 century
Porcelain, painting, gilding
( On the left) Cup ornamented with gold upon dark crimson depicting
Napoleon on the battlefield of Austerlitz 
Czechy, 1910
Porcelain, overglaze painting, decalcomania, gilding, stamping

The panorama itself looks realistic enough, the round picture mixed  with actual representatives of battlefield and smoke give vivid picture of what was happening in the Borodino.

Also I could not miss the pictures.
Maloyaroslavets, 12 October 1812
A.Y. Averyanov, 2011
Oil on canvas
Moscow Fire, Night between 14 and 15 september 1812
A.F. Smirnov, 1813

The 'Moscow Fire' looks incredible on the wall with animation of that fire. 

All in all this exhibition with use of special effects and great compositions and colours  help visitors to dive into the events of the War of 1812 and feel all that sorrows and victories themselves.




  1. I really like the idea of looking for the design innovations in the places that don’t have word design in their title. Especially to the
    exhibitions dedicated to the important historical events.
    I assume that sometimes it might be hard to define some modern art trends in places of this type but i consider them to be a great source of inspiration
    and practical knowledge about something that used to be extremely inactive at its time.


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