Ways of Seeing

Ways of seeing - is a BBC series created by John Berger and Mike Dibb in 1972. This four part television program, as it can be understood from the title, proposes alternative ways of interpreting artwoks of the western culture. Primarily this series focuses on the meaning of oil paintings in social life of people up to the moment photography was invented. It proposes the idea that not every painting has some deeper philosophical meaning and even if it did, it shouldn't necessarily be the one that most of the art critics define. John Berger suggests taking things shown on the canvas in a more literal way and at the same time making your own deductions as to the hidden meanings, based on your own experience. Also, there is a book that is written as a companion to this program. Its content is much the same although there is both additional and missing information, compared to the content of the show. This is mainly becauce different media ha...