"Два часа в резервуаре" or art misunderstanding
It was a virnissage of a new exhibition in Museum of Modern Art Moscow which would extend from 25.11.2011 to 2.09.2012. The exhibition calls “ИСКУССТВОестьИСКУССТВОестьИСКУССТВО” (ARTexistARTexistART) you can go and see in MMoMA (ул. Петровка, 25). Well, for me it’s always rather difficult to talk about art, because it something you should feel and feelings is the really difficult thing to explain. This exhibition contains works from early avant-garde to contemporary art. The wide period of presented works helped because I’m rather skeptical about modern art at the last time. The interesting thing I’ve noticed that works mostly are hang up quite well, I mean the composition and combinations of close to each other pictures. And one more interesting thing, one part of exhibition happens in the dark. They made some kind of tunnel with pictures on walls and some video installations but there are no light, you can see only light flashes sometimes. Moreover, in this tunnel flour an...